Where can I find squirrels at UW?

                                                              GRIEG GARDEN

Although seen throughout campus, darting in and out of trash cans and between your feet, the easiest place to spot squirrels at the University of Washington is Grieg Garden. Grieg Garden is located south of the Quad near the Communications building and features an oblong lawn surrounded by benches and dense foliage. A peaceful escape from the bustle of University pathways, Grieg Garden is home to many Eastern Gray squirrels who will come quite close to anyone offering a cracker or a piece of fruit. The garden was built in 1990 and displays a large bust of Norwegian composer Edward Grieg, who lived in Bergen, Norway, Seattle's sister city. The garden even contains soil from Bergen! Stop by on your way to class to visit our resident squirrels and take a little time to relax in the center of UW's beautiful campus.

(You may even notice that the song playing on our homepage is one of Grieg's most famous!)


Written by Marika

1 comment:

  1. What, if any ongoing studies that is the U of W doing may use silver colored metallic tag in left ear of Eastern gray squirrels? Tag is about .125 wide x .25 long. Unable to see any markings. Spotted one with this tag. On or about 20 Oct. -24 Nov. 2015. Location; Zip code 98043.
